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About Iaido

Iai is an old form of Japanese martial arts that involves engaging anopponent when chance arises by rapidly drawing the sword from its sheath. Rather than squaring off with each other as in kendo, opponents presume to begin the duel with their swords still sheathed. The kata in iai are a series of movements beginning with recognition of the opponent, followed by the placing the hands on the hilt of the sword and loosening it in its sheath. After assessing the number of opponents and their positions, they are cut down, and finally the sword is resheathed. Because of this unique quality of iai, real swords are used for kata training. Iaito (practice swords) that have the same structure and weight of real swords are also used.

In addition, in order to learn how to properly measure the distance to an opponent, as well as how to read their breathing, students pair up and do “kumitachi” (paired swords) training.

More importantly however, it is said that even though many people know that iai involves drawing the sword, ordinary iai is simply about relating to people. If one stands opposed to someone, their iai with their opponent will crumble and they will become enemies. Iai is inherent in the courteous individual who is mild-mannered and non-confrontational. The iai practitioner greatly values working towards constant self improvement through defeat of the adversary within themselves and the development of a calm, unwavering mind.

In iai training, because there is no actual opponent (kata training is done on one’s own), it becomes easy to merely draw, cut, and resheath the sword in an aesthetically pleasing way. This is where iai practitioners must be careful most of all. Actually cutting down an opponent demands true determination, or spirit (kisei or kihaku in Japanese), along with a refined presence (ki-in). This cannot be achieved overnight. It is necessary to train in the kata, make the techniques apart of oneself, and spend many long years training until the sword of the mind can be drawn. Expressing a true determined spirit and refined presence through one’s appearance is the result of properly training the mind and body. Endowed with this spirit and presence, victory or defeat can be decided even without drawing the sword.